Dharawal Country Experience | Destination Wollongong


Dharawal Country Experience

Arts and culture Things to do

Destination Wollongong and the Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation (IAC) have initiated a tourism Attraction that promotes and informs visitors of the people, places and stories of the Dharawal Country.

The principal element of the Dharawal Country Experience is Dharawal Country, a new nine-screen video screen array that will display bespoke videos, telling the history, culture and significance of Dharawal Country. The videos include the videos from the previous Jumbulla Aboriginal Interpretive Centre and specially commissioned videos of Dharawal Elders telling stories of Dharawal Country – commissioned by Wollongong City Council.

The stunning panoramic photo overlooking Wollongong is revitalized with Aboriginal place and attraction names and is accompanied by two interpretive signs that tell the stories of the significant Aboriginal locations, that acknowledge our First Peoples and their culture and lifestyle.

Dharawal Country – Learning Hub, on each of the three round ‘tables’ can take you on a journey through various fun facts of Dharawal Country, including learning to say Hello and Goodbye in Dharawal.

Dharawal Country – Stories Hub, two large original local Aboriginal works installed in the Southern Gateway Centre Foyer. The two works were finalists in the Wollongong City Libraries – Dharawal Country Student Art Competition. They tell of our young people’s affection for Dharawal Country.


Southern Gateway Centre, M1 Princes Motorway, Bulli Tops

Facilities & features

  • Cafe
  • Coach Parking
  • Family Friendly
  • Food and Refreshments
  • Lookouts
  • Parents Room
  • Public Toilet
  • Restaurant



Address: Southern Gateway Centre, M1 Princes Motorway, Bulli Tops
Website: View website